Panther Gifts: Dec 10 (socks & kicks)

Whoa, the xmas holiday is fast approaching and I’m sure some folks are scrambling, trying to find stocking stuffers for their crazy running pals. The first item in our list today is fun, weird and almost guaranteed to make your Continue reading Panther Gifts: Dec 10 (socks & kicks)

Panther Gift Guide: Dec 5 (Hydration)

Us humans (even the ones who think we’re panthers) need water to perform properly. That’s just the way it goes. On shorter runs it usually isn’t that important to carry liquid with you, but when you start pushing out (or Continue reading Panther Gift Guide: Dec 5 (Hydration)

Panther Gift Guide: Two for one

Since we missed yesterday, let’s go for a two in one with today’s post. As I mentioned before, runners are a bear to buy for (and I’m not just talking about Oso). We tend to not need a lot, and Continue reading Panther Gift Guide: Two for one

Gear Review: HOKA ONE ONE Stinson Evo Trail

No, I haven’t been hacked. What is a dedicated minimalist guy doing reviewing a super padded trail running shoe? Turns out that sometimes minimalism is in the form, not the structure. But first, some history. When I first saw a Continue reading Gear Review: HOKA ONE ONE Stinson Evo Trail

Book Review: Ultra Marathon Man

Dean Karnazes is an amazing human being. Generally Ultra Runners have “something” inside them that lets them deal with the hardships of training for and running long distances, but Dean takes that to another level. It is almost as though Continue reading Book Review: Ultra Marathon Man

Book Review: Eat and Run

The first time I read this book, I had an unusual reaction (for me): I decided I didn’t really like Scott Jurek. I’d purchased the book after reading about him in Born to Run, and expected him to be exactly Continue reading Book Review: Eat and Run

Book Review: Born to Run

Chris McDougall’s book Born to Run essentially changed my life. Yes, I know, dramatic, but in this case true. I’ve now re-read the book 5 times and it is incredibly enjoyable each time. This is a book with 2 stories Continue reading Book Review: Born to Run

Nutrition: Food For Life, Ezekiel 4:9 Bread (original & raisin)

Being healthy isn’t just about doing wall ball 300 times until you feel like ralphing (though that helps). Fueling the machine is important too. There’s all sorts of diet this and paleo that and beaches (mostly in the south), but Continue reading Nutrition: Food For Life, Ezekiel 4:9 Bread (original & raisin)

Running: Lost Trail 1/2 Marathon 2013

I used to be an awesome runner and then I took a 1/2 marathon to the calf! Ok, not really (and sorry for the terrible Skyrim reference) but this weekend’s foray into the world of runs longer than 10k was Continue reading Running: Lost Trail 1/2 Marathon 2013