Running Workout: Quads and Quarters

So I went out and did this workout a couple days back, but I thought I would post it up. Basically this is a mix-up workout, combining some slow running with speed work. Starting off, get a nice warm up Continue reading Running Workout: Quads and Quarters

Gear Review: Altra Torin

As I unpacked the shoes from their packaging, I actually said “Whoa…”. These were not the Altras of yesteryear. Let me back up a bit. Regular readers of this blog know I had an enlightening experience with my Altra Provisions. Continue reading Gear Review: Altra Torin

Panther Gifts: Dec 10 (socks & kicks)

Whoa, the xmas holiday is fast approaching and I’m sure some folks are scrambling, trying to find stocking stuffers for their crazy running pals. The first item in our list today is fun, weird and almost guaranteed to make your Continue reading Panther Gifts: Dec 10 (socks & kicks)

Gear Review: Altra Provision (UPDATE)

Many months ago I reviewed the Altra Provision. I gave it an 8/10 RAWRS, a fairly solid score, but mentioned it was not the shoe for me when it comes to running longer distances. Since then a lot has happened, Continue reading Gear Review: Altra Provision (UPDATE)

Gear Review: Altra Provision

I’ve been somewhat in a state of wanderlust lately with shoes. I’m stuck in a place where traditional shoes lift my heel too high but total minimalist shoes beat up my feet too bad. There had to be something in Continue reading Gear Review: Altra Provision